Sierra Leone Freetown Mission

Sierra Leone Freetown Mission
Elder Lowe in West Africa

Saturday, May 29, 2010

August 10th, 2009

August 10, 2009

Well Africa is doing great, and I am too, this week has been a little crazy for me too. Tuesday we proselyted, Wednesday was splits in our district again Thursday was zone conference, which went all day. And Friday we had combined district study with another district and then a branch missionary fireside to teach. Saturday we proselyted, and today was super p-day. Splits were good I went with Elder Lindi to Kissy, it's hard to teach people that you don’t know, but it was good, he was able to give me some good advice in teaching and things. Zone conference was great, it was so spiritual, I love that, when we are able to here from our leaders, and discuss and learn so much from each other, I had a lot to say that day in the discussions we had as a zone, it was so great, and they always treat us to really good homemade food after, which is soo nice! The teaching is going pretty well, unfortunately we are kind of dropping some people because they are just not coming to church, they are not demonstrating their faith to us. But on the other hand we have a few that are doing really well, and I have great hope for them. I guess from what other missionaries have said, that's kind of just the way it is here, you teach a lot, still baptize a lot, but also face a lot of disappointment from people who just don't care enough. There are a few missionaries going home end of transfer that gave their last testimony in zone conference, one is our zone leader. it has been good for me to see them and what they are like right before they leave, so that I can decide how I want to be when I reach that point, there are some things that I see that I definitely want to have in some and things that I definitely don't want to have in others. One missionary, Elder Whitlock, has really impressed me in the few times I have seen him, he seems to have a true love for the people, and a true love for the mission, and he doesn't talk about home much. I’ve had the opportunity to think a lot about what I want to accomplish long term in my mission and what I don't, it's good to think about, so that I can work on becoming like Elder Whitlock. It will make it so much more enjoyable as well, and it will end up going by quicker. We had a pretty spiritual experience in a lesson the other day we were teaching a brand new investigator lesson 1 and the need arose to teach about prayer, and how to pray, so we spent most of the lesson teaching about that. Then this lady's friend walked in, who we found out was a member, but had left the church because she felt like she had been cheated and offended by the people. so we immediately focused the lesson on her, asking very deep and thought provoking questions, the spirit really accompanied me as I spoke, and I believe we pricked her heart a little, and the look on our investigators face, as we were talking and bearing testimony to her friend was unforgettable, I hope that she continues to seek for that spirit that I really believe she felt that night. The lord also played a huge part in the life of another investigator that we taught just yesterday her name is nana, we taught the word of wisdom, which she didn't have any real problems with, which was good, but something else was bothering her as we were teaching that made it hard for her to concentrate. We talked to her by herself after the lesson to find out what it was. It ended up being that her boyfriend of two years had called her that day and ended the relationship. Which was sad, and we did our best to comfort her, but it was also perfect in the fact that next time we are going to teach her law of chastity, and here, when you say boyfriend of girlfriend or date, it means fornication. So she would have had to either break up or get married when we taught her that. The Lord works in mysterious but amazing ways, it will now be a little easier for her accept and to keep that commandment I think. We will see, she is one of our best investigators she actually comes to church every week, I hope we don't face disappointment with her. When we teach law of chastity is when we start to lose people here, it's really hard for them, the devil has such a good hold on that particular part of their culture, it's hard to fight. Today was super p-day, as I said, it was awesome, the whole zone came together. We played American football and soccer, on the beach!! In the sand!! In the middle of a huge rainstorm!!! It was soo much fun, especially the American football at the beginning, none of the Africans wanted to join us, accept for one. But it was soo much fun, it was the first time I have played in so long, and it was in the rain, which made it so fun, I would much rather play in the rain then in the hot sun. And the rain actually improves the sand instead of making it worse like with grass or dirt. I scored a couple of touchdowns too. I’m actually not that bad of a player. And we had some amazing food afterword, some great chicken and rice with a great sauce and pitas, the best pitas I have ever had. They like to treat us well, and they know just how to do that, with food! I’m going to try to gain weight, I have been eating a lot, or trying to, I will keep up with that, and with my exercising. with my camera, I gave it to a missionary that is going to try taking it apart to see if he can do anything, I’m not sure what he'll be able to do, unless he switches screens with someone else who has the same camera, and there are a few people here who have my same camera, but then they'd be out a screen, but there are some going home. The Petersons, the one's whose blog you have been looking at, are going home at the beginning of September and they have my same camera, so I don't know. I’ll keep you updated. Thank you so much for sending those pictures, it's great to see you guys! And to hear how well you are doing. It’s a great comfort to me to not have to worry about you guys when I’m gone. I was thinking, you guys should tell Alexis and Ryan to email me, at least every once in a while, it would be nice to hear a little bit of how there life is going now and then.

There are a little over 50 missionaries in this mission right now, our complement is 58 and we are ever so slowly working our way up to that. with that health clinic, my district did go back down there Saturday and paint it, and might I say it looks soo good, so much better than it did it took a long time, and we also did that in the rain, but god slowed it a bit for us, because we asked him to, so that was nice, but once we were finished painting, boom, it started pouring again. The work is so amazing! I have been relatively healthy so far, stomach has had a couple problem days, just adjusting to new foods and new bacteria, but I’m doing great. I can look forward to more stomach problem as well, and boils, I guess every blond haired blue eyed missionary gets boils at one time or another, and everyone gets malaria at one point or another, so that's kind of what I have to look forward to. I’ll do my best to avoid them though, mosquito net at night, when the malaria mosquito bites. And washing with antibacterial soap, which we actually managed to find at a pharmacy, hopefully prevent boils. Well, time is short, I love you all soo much I’ll try to keep a good journal for anyone who is interested in finding out more about my mission when I get back.
Love, Elder Lowe

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